Saturday, December 7, 2024

Two Small Projects: Tentacles and Regimental Advisors

I'm in 'grab and paint' mode, so first had this urge to paint some 3d-printed squid tentacles comic-style: 

I added some gloss varnish as a 'highlight' to make them look yucky and wet. 

Then I painted up some 40k Regimental Advisors, a pack of three NPC-type dudes that I assume fulfill some function in 40k, and which I plan on using for skirmish games like Necromunda and maybe Stargrave and so on. They are a bit of an older style, but still hold up, I think. 

I'm finding that 'trios' are a sweet spot for me, as they let me move quickly from one miniature to the next and back without losing momentum, if I need something to dry, or if I'm carrying colors over from one mini to the next. 

Edit: Turns out these dudes are called Regimental Attaches! Who knew? 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Body Shop: Miniature Repair

 I was disappointed to find that one of my favorite miniatures, the Elysian Drop Troop Sniper, had lost the barrel of his weapon in transport. So I took the opportunity to add a new, longer barrel, complete with suppressor. 

I like the length but the suppressor is a bit big. I tried to shave it down a bit with a diamond file, but it started coming apart, so I coated it with super glue and left it at that. 

I think the repair job does the trick, and doubt anyone will clock that it is a repair even if they do notice that it is not an OEM part. ;) 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Silver Bayonet: Some Perry Savants

 Perry Miniatures does a pack of "Savants" - various explorers, engineers and geographers. They are very useful as a variety of specialists for your Silver Bayonet team. Here are the first two I've painted. What a couple of characters! 

And yes, Babs, that one guy does look like he's right out of Alice In Wonderland. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Swamp Goblins!

 Here are a few vicious lil Swamp Goblins from Bestiarum Miniatures. 

Bestiarum sells them as 'pygmies', but I don't love that so I goblinified them. They're gonna do great in a bunch of different games, from Snarling Badger's Argle Bargle to Silver Bayonet. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Silver Tower: Tsemaus

According to the Silver Tower: Canada expansion, The Tsemaus can camouflage itself from above as a logjam or cluster of debris, only to erupt from cover as an enormous, terrifying frog.

From the Rescale Miniatures stl "The Strangler".

My understanding is that it's usually portrayed as a whale or pike, but I had this beautiful swamp creature that was vaguely froglike, and figured it would fit the bill.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Kill Team: Kasrkin Special Forces

Here's my penultimate Inquisitorial Requisition: Kasrkin. I've been holding off on getting them as I didn't think I liked the plastic Cadian range, but it appears I was mistaken. These guys are great! All business and no-nonsense, with stripped-down kit and decent if bulky armor. 

I've painted them in my Space Hulk Fitzcorraldo style: blue and white, with copper accents. 

There are a couple of things I want to touch up - add some glowy bits, eyes on the squad leader, and so on - but maybe I'll just leave 'em be and move on to the next thing. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Malifaux: Here Comes the Cavaliers

 I finally took some pics of the Cavalier dudes I painted a couple of weeks ago. Makes me wanna play some Malifaux! 

Harold Tull, Dead Silent

John Watson

Hex Bow

Hex Bow


Rocketeer Backpacks

The Dueto

King's Wall - now with Union Jack

Sly Six-shot

Sly's Stash



Saturday, November 16, 2024

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Inquisitorial Agents: Sisters of Silence

Here is a half-squad of anti-psycher Sisters of Battle, ready to assist a team of Inquisitorial Agents. 

One of these models is the 1,200th miniature I've painted since January 9th, 2024. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Malifaux Explorers: Harold Tull

Here's a small commission I painted recently for a client. They took me about six hours from grey to play. 

I used the box art as 'inspiration': 

Who wore it best? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kill Team Vespid Stingwings: Clever Pun

I just picked one up and stream-of-consciousness painted them until they looked done. I think they turned out alright, despite the lack of foresight or planning. 

Anyway, that's the Hivestorm box complete! I've certainly never painted up a boxed set as quickly as this one, but I have to say that the quality of the set has had a lot to do with my enthusiasm for finishing. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Kill Team Exaction Squad: Dress to Impress

Among the retinues and auxilia of Lord Inquisitor Kalvan's forces are the feared Shore Patrol - Arbites enforcers tasked with ensuring that there are no deserters from the Fitzgerald when planetary ops are required. These teams are often deployed to populated worlds to press gang new recruits, when existing forces are depleted or when an especially challenging operation is anticipated. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Silver Bayonet: the Trading Company

Looks like a Silver Bayonet campaign will be kicking off soon, so I've put together my first unit for the game. 

Figures/stls by Perry Miniatures koolkiwi, Lost Heresy, and Spyglass Miniatures. 

I like these guys a lot. 

Kill Zone: Volkus

The terrain from the Kill Team Hivestorm set. Lots of pieces for variety, good verticality, overall looks like a great board to play Kill Team on! 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Spearhead Terrain

The new Spearhead pack for Age of Sigmar comes with a few pieces of scatter terrain to break up a small battlefield. 

I painted mine up to hopefully fit in with my existing GW ruins (as seen at the rear). These may have come out a bit to garish but should make nice accent pieces on a full table. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Skeletons, Speed Painted

These guys are mostly for solo games like Silver Bayonet and League of Dungeoneers, so I spent an appropriate amount of time on them. 

stls from Galaad, except for one Loot archer. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Furious Painting!

A half dozen Chaos Furies as a palette cleanser. They could use some more contrast for definiti, but they ain't getting it! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I've been looking for a Chaos Spawn for my Tzeentch Age of Sigmar army, and just stumbled across this gross dude on my shelf! It's probably what I printed him for tbh. 

Anyway, he looks suitably gooey. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Daughters of Khaine: The Shadow Queen and Shrine

The last two heroes for my Daughters of Khaine army. 

The Bloodwrack Shrine and Cauldron of Blood

The Shadow Queen 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Daughters of Khaine: The Shadow Queen

I've finally finished my first Warhammer monster - ever! Presenting the Shadow Queen. 

I know the tradition is to spend dozens and dozens of hours fussing over these things, but I just want this gal battle ready. 

Airbrush, hand brush and blush brushes. Liquitex and Scale Color inks, Army Painter and Citadel contrast paints, Kimera and Citadel opaque paints. 

Even Bigger Caravanserai, Now With People!

I've added a sawmill to the lumberyard, and a gated courtyard to the caravanserai. I've also scattered about a party of European adv...