Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Chapter 3, The Trader's Gate, Part 1b

The group spreads out to investigate this den of evil. Behind the altar, the Mistweaver finds a pile of gold - offerings for some forgotten demon, most likely. As the party gathers themselves to delve deeper into the Underworld, however, they hear the skitter of claws on stone behind them. It appears that they have been followed into the dark! 

I think I hear something 

As he turns to locate the source of the skittering, he is jumped by a pair of scheming Skaven. Their blades connect, and the big man falls. Roaring in frustration, Kyre steps over his fallen friend, shielding him from any death blows, and delivers one of his own to the nearest ratman. His companion steps back, but not far enough to escape the wrath of the Tenebrael Shard. The Mistweaver, aiming carefully, lobs illusory bolts over everyone's heads and finishes off the Grot archer hiding in the doorway. 

The Chieftain groans. The Mistweaver helps him up, and slips the Barbarian the potion she had brewed in Cinderfall with a sly grin. 

They find Olmar's hidden shop, and this time do some shopping. Kyre finds a single boot that looks like it will fit. The Mistweaver finds an amulet. The Orruk guards finger their weapons menacingly but make no move towards them. The Tenebrael Shard finds a secret door; the shopkeeper ushers them angrily through it and into a dark alley behind the shop, where they are accosted by Scutlings! 

"We have to stop meeting like this" 

The Tenebrael Shard dances forth, cuts up one of the Scutlings, then retreats back into the shadows. The rest of the Grots surge forward and badly maul the exposed Kyre before he can retreat as well. 

The Darkoath Chieftain grins and quaffs the potion*, then lays into the hapless little grot in front of him. He steps over its twitchin corpse and attacks the one behind it, but misses! The Mistweaver is more accurate, and her bolts fell it, while the Aelven assassin moves swiftly to dispatch the last remaining foe. 

They move towards the far end of the alley and find stairs leading down. The Mistweaver leads the way, but the Darkoath Chieftain lingers in the alley, spying a glint between two cobblestones. Suddenly he stiffens, as he hears quiet rustles and clanks stirring in the darkness all around him. He can feel danger drawing close. 

Wait I think I hear something again

Out of the shadows springs a horde of bloodthirsty Khorne worshippers, while sneaky grots appear from behind! "Run!" the barbarian growls to his two companions on the stairs, and he begins to hew and hack with his blades. The Fleetmaster and assassin try to cut their way to their companion, but despite killing the leader of the band they see the effort is futile, and decide that discretion is the better part of valor. The last they see of their new friend is his muscled torso disappearing under a cloud of flashing blades. 

*(I have no idea how to describe this narratively. The potion is the Trickster's Brew, and one of the things that you can do with it is switch the user's Renown marker with that of another character. I set it up so the next kill would get renown, and then had the Chieftain switch with the Black Ark Fleetmaster, who was one renown away from Glory. This let me use the Glory for Second Wind, allowing me to heal the Barbarian up to full actions, because I am a clever boy indeed. Not that it mattered in the end, grumble). 

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