Friday, January 20, 2023

Five Parsecs from Home Turn 1: Bot Rampage!

Drones from Battle Systems: Core Space
(Wanted: Dead or Alive and In the Line of Fire)

"We have a problem," the security head said. "Something's gone off with the security bots - they have been randomly attacking folks all morning, and the master reset's been disabled. Nobody's been hurt yet, but your pad's off limits until we can find someone to deal with the problem." 

Mireille smiled. Sounded like a paying job - and they were headed that way anyway...  

The Zouave's crew shake out into a skirmish line and take up firing positions, hoping to outrange their opponents. 

On the right, Anja moves up and starts a duel with a pair of drones, drawing their fire while Hob and Sally pour it on. They put one down straightaway but the other one is stubborn! 

Mireille moves up while her crew covers. A bot takes a bead on her but is chewed up by Yodel and Ulf's shooting. 

Patrol Drone
(Battle Systems, Core Space First Born) 

Meanwhile a strange drone appears, looking unlike the security bots they've been fighting. Could this be the reason for their malfunction? 

Mireille charges to the rear of the shuttle to investigate, ignoring the dismayed cries of her crew. A brief exchange of energy weapon fire turns the drone to slag. 

The drones are tough! The team have to focus them down one by one, but eventually get the job done. 

A brief search of the downed drone proves futile, though Sally is able to recover a Hand Laser from it. Hob scrounges a Stim-Pack from an unsecured crate. 

Impressed by the team's thoroughness, the starport administrators award the crew six credits. Each crewmember gains 3xp; Hob (first kill) and Mireille (drone kill) each get one extra. 

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