Friday, February 3, 2023

Five Parsecs from Home Turn 5 - Psychos Part 2

All figures Corvus Belli 

Crazy Starcrew pilots!

Some more starcrew

Kangal Gesurat
Figure: "Bran do Castro", Corvus Belli 

One of the big corporate players on this world, Wapcaplett, Vendetta and Prang has contracted the crew to flush out some more Psychonauts from their hideout outside of the city. Ulf raises an eyebrow at this. "Seems like there's a lot of that warp sickness going around," he muses. 

The crew take a short break before embarking on their next mission. Hob manages to trade some bits of scrap he salvaged from somewhere. Mireille finds a trainer. Ulf gets into a nice chat with an old sea dog, swapping stories of adventure and woe, some of them true. Sally is approached by a corporate headhunter claiming to represent Gottlieb & Loh, but she takes his card without making a commitment, knowing that they are already engaged with a competitor. 

Anja comes back with a new friend: Kangal Gesurat. An ex-Ganger from an industrial world, Kangal learned young how to be swift with fists and feet. Mireille offered him a job on the spot, which he gladly accepted. 

Yodel comes back with a wistful look in her eye. Has she met someone? 

The Job: 

Wapcaplett, Vendetta and Prang send the crew the coordinates of the hideout. There's a time limit: word has leaked of the op, and some nosy Journos are on the way! WVP want to avoid bad press and so the crew have to 'neutralize' the targets before the cameras show up (5 turns). Also, no area of effect weapons can be used. 

The crew land outside of sensor range and make their way in on foot. 

Once again, Mireille's sensor bot spots the Psychos before they are spotted in return, and so they are able to move up into good ambush positions. Sally starts the engagement by taking aim at the Psycho specialist with the MG - but misses! 

The Psychos spring into action! Neither the machine gunner nor the wild fire from the other Psychos' pistols find their mark. The crew are in a better position, though, and down two of the onrushing Psychos. 

Undeterred, the remaining Psychos close into close combat! Yodel jumps down from an outbuilding to snap a shot at one of the charging maniacs, and fells her just before she is able to reach Ulf. The other, however, meets Anja at the edge of the woods, and slips a blade under her guard. In her haste to parry, Anja goes flying back! Sally's shots start to connect, but the machine gunner stands her ground. She misses her target, however. Mireille starts closing the distance to the specialist to help Sally. 

Unwilling to let her boss take fire for her, Sally drills the specialist and finally finishes her off. Meanwhile Hob runs up and blasts the remaining Psycho in the back, as she turns to face Kangal. 

The battlefield falls silent. 

Mireille finds a stim-pack in the cluttered mess of the habitat module, as well as an encrypted data chip. 

The crew rush to Anja's aid, and patch up a deep gash in her left leg. Despite the severity of the wound, it doesn't look anything that a medkit can't heal, with time (2 turns, in fact). 

The Wapcaplett, Vendetta and Prang rep transfers 4 credits to the Zouave's account, but a short sharp visit by local officials claws back three of those in fees and taxes! 

Kangal asks to talk to Mireille in private, and shares with her his misgivings about the brutality of the recent operation. Mireille sympathizes and agrees with his request to sit the next mission out. 


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