Sunday, April 23, 2023

Five Leagues: Rogues Gallery 1

 Here are a few of the Enemy warbands I painted up in the last few weeks, plus one that I've had for many years but never had reason to field before now. Note that many of these minis will likely sub in for several adversaries, as they come up later in the campaign. 

1. The Faceless Kingdom, Unmarked Legion 

Mist of the Jungle Amazon Warriors and Chieftain, Lord of the Print 

2. Ice-Heart Court, Goblin Raiders 

Middle Earth Moria Goblins, Games Workshop

3. The Ruin Within, Desperate Mob 

Middle Earth Wildlings, Games Workshop

4. Duskling Warbands, Unforgiven Warband 

Middle Earth Mordor Orcs, Games Workshop 

5. Duskling Warbands, Hunting Band

Middle Earth Uruk-Hai, Games Workshop

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