Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Marvel Grab Bag

I'm painting MCP lately. Here's a mix of dudes from my own collection and a small commission I'm working on. 

Shang Chi


Frankenstein's Monster, Adam

The Original Human Torch 

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Village

My Medieval/Fantasy village is coming along great! I just added a Manor and a Blacksmith's house. This is a 6x3 table: 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Two Small Projects: Tentacles and Regimental Advisors

I'm in 'grab and paint' mode, so first had this urge to paint some 3d-printed squid tentacles comic-style: 

I added some gloss varnish as a 'highlight' to make them look yucky and wet. 

Then I painted up some 40k Regimental Advisors, a pack of three NPC-type dudes that I assume fulfill some function in 40k, and which I plan on using for skirmish games like Necromunda and maybe Stargrave and so on. They are a bit of an older style, but still hold up, I think. 

I'm finding that 'trios' are a sweet spot for me, as they let me move quickly from one miniature to the next and back without losing momentum, if I need something to dry, or if I'm carrying colors over from one mini to the next. 

Edit: Turns out these dudes are called Regimental Attaches! Who knew? 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Body Shop: Miniature Repair

 I was disappointed to find that one of my favorite miniatures, the Elysian Drop Troop Sniper, had lost the barrel of his weapon in transport. So I took the opportunity to add a new, longer barrel, complete with suppressor. 

I like the length but the suppressor is a bit big. I tried to shave it down a bit with a diamond file, but it started coming apart, so I coated it with super glue and left it at that. 

I think the repair job does the trick, and doubt anyone will clock that it is a repair even if they do notice that it is not an OEM part. ;) 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Silver Bayonet: Some Perry Savants

 Perry Miniatures does a pack of "Savants" - various explorers, engineers and geographers. They are very useful as a variety of specialists for your Silver Bayonet team. Here are the first two I've painted. What a couple of characters! 

And yes, Babs, that one guy does look like he's right out of Alice In Wonderland. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Swamp Goblins!

 Here are a few vicious lil Swamp Goblins from Bestiarum Miniatures. 

Bestiarum sells them as 'pygmies', but I don't love that so I goblinified them. They're gonna do great in a bunch of different games, from Snarling Badger's Argle Bargle to Silver Bayonet. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Silver Tower: Tsemaus

According to the Silver Tower: Canada expansion, The Tsemaus can camouflage itself from above as a logjam or cluster of debris, only to erupt from cover as an enormous, terrifying frog.

From the Rescale Miniatures stl "The Strangler".

My understanding is that it's usually portrayed as a whale or pike, but I had this beautiful swamp creature that was vaguely froglike, and figured it would fit the bill.

Marvel Grab Bag

I'm painting MCP lately. Here's a mix of dudes from my own collection and a small commission I'm working on.  Shang Chi N'Ka...