Monday, May 13, 2024

Voidscarred Corsairs are my third Kill Team

I should not have bought a new Kill Team with five unpainted ones in the queue, but I couldn't resist. These Voidscarred are a call back to the OG 40k, and every single one of them is a great sculpt. 

Starstorm Duelist 



Soul Weaver 

Kurnite Hunter

Shade Runner

Blaster Gunner

Shredder Gunner

Way Seeker 

Fate Dealer

I really leaned into these guys. It was fun, but I dunno if I will keep up this level of intensity. There's a joy and a freedom to sketching! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

An Obsolete Terrain Board.

 I was halfway done before I found out that this terrain wasn't suitable for Kill Team 2021. Argh! Those doors took so long! 

Ah well. At least now I have some sci-fi doors. 

Edit: here are some better pics of the individual pieces: 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

My Three-Body Problem

My three-body problem is: 

Is this one building? 

Or is it three? 

This great kit was a recent gift. I think it'll make I nice strongpoint, or a table quarter's worth of urban sprawl. I'm even tempted to paint up my MDF stuff now! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

And now the Navy Breachers

 The dam has burst and I am eager to paint up these cool little team projects. 


and Clear

I painted them up in the same uniform colors as the Voidsmen in my Rogue Trader retinue (previous), as I imagine they are from the same ship, valiantly blocking the Gellerpox Infected from the shuttle so the retinue can escape. 

I had my first game with them this week - the game is fairly complex, but starts in media res so there is action from the jump. It's got legs for sure! 

Mighty Asgardians

My 2025 painting resolution is off to a good start. I picked these dudes up at Dueling Grounds a couple of weeks ago, and here they are, don...