Saturday, July 13, 2024

Majestic 13: Mission 1 - The Ichor Spitter

 Mission 1 

Wilderness - ignore Civilians FUBAR rolls of 2+; Call for Aid -1 

No Bureaucratic Event 

Primary Objective: Ichor Spitter (See intel) 

Secondary Objective: Beacon Drops 

The team, excited but wary, infiltrates to contact. 

Contrary to appearances, this is a Wilderness zone

The Spitter, gliding across the rooftops of the facility, spots Lady J as she directs her team. She doesn't even see the slug of acid that hits her square in the chest, leaving her a sizzling body in the field. 

Ain't nobody gonna survive a 34-point crit

Daisy peeks through a doorway and shoots at the creature, and gets a blast of acid in the shoulder for her troubles. Joe and Connie race for the beacons, firing as they go, each sensing that the team is already in trouble and will need help sooner rather than later. Dutch lobs grenades from his position at the rear, but they land nowhere near the beast. 

Daisy screams as she receives a second spray of acid, this time full in the face. Hurt and blinded, she stumbles downstairs, groping for Joe and his medkit. Joe and Connie activate both beacons, as the alien menace hovers silently to the other end of the lab rooftop. Dutch fires again, but return fire cuts him down. 

The three remaining team members run for cover, Connie screaming on comms for immediate evac. The choppers arrive in minutes, and their combined firepower are able to keep the Ravager at bay until everyone boards. 

After Action: 


Daisy 3 (+1 Combat to 13) 

Lady J 2. Arm Amputated. 

Dutch 2. Symbiote: Grafted Flesh Joining (+2 Fortitude, -1 incoming damage) 

Connie 3 (+1 Dex to 18) 

Joe 3 (+1 Combat to 12) 

Requisition: (Note: Psight-Ops can requisition psionic versions of Phase 2 nonweapon tech) 

Sighting HUD (no) 

Weapon Stabilizaton System (no) 

Emergency Medical Facility (Yes)  


Summary: This mission could not have gone worse. 

1 comment:

  1. "Sometimes you're the hunter..." and this was definitely that time. For the Ichor Spitter.
